10 best Anime for Newbie Watchers

If you’re new to anime, it can be hard to find the best one for you. Anime is an expansive medium with hundreds of different genres and thousands of titles under each one. There’s so much content out there that finding the best anime for new watchers can be overwhelming. This article will give some suggestions on what to look out for when starting your first show!

1. Jujutsu kaizen:

This anime is a good choice for new watchers because it has the action and adventure that make it shounen, but not so much violence or crudeness; it’s more lighthearted than other titles in the genre. The protagonist goes through personal growth while still maintaining his personality throughout. This show manages to be funny and serious without being too dark. 

2. Another:

This is the perfect anime for people who want to try out a horror title. The protagonist has amnesia and gets drawn into an ominous mystery revolving around some students he meets while trying to regain his memories. Although the show does get scary, it’s not full of cheap jump-scares like most titles in the genre; it’s more suspenseful than anything.

3. Black clover:

This is another great show for people who want less horror than other titles in the genre. It’s about a boy who dreams of becoming the most potent wizard, but he’s constantly getting compared to his adopted brother. The art style makes it look like an action anime at first glance, but it has more comedy than anything else.

4. Yuri on Ice:

This is a show all about male body figure skating; It may sound weird! But trust me, the hype surrounding this show is worth it. It’s got lots of humour and heartwarming romance mixed in with real good skating techniques. This one’s best to watch if you like sports anime or shows that play around with the idea of gender norms broken in the sports field to encourage gender equality. 

5. Attack on Titan:

Attack on Titan has an exciting setting with a lot of mystery surrounding it. Watching the characters fight to survive against terrifying monsters is gripping, but what’s even better is seeing how they interact with each other in between battles. The story of the attack on titan interacts with the deep-rooted society beliefs and partiality between the classes created by humans against each other. It also has some of the strongest female characters with unique story arcs that will split your opinions about them. The fourth and final season will be released soon, and if you like the past ones, you can download the last season from https://thepirateproxybay.com/, a safe site to download high-quality anime from. 

6. Erased: 

It is a story about a guy who can travel between the past and the future to change the story’s outcome. The manga is excellent, and the anime has some issues (like padding), but it’s still quite gripping. The atmosphere and the tone of the show are what make it stand out. It feels like a book you can’t put down; this show has an excellent build-up and never slows down or becomes boring.

7. Your lie in April:

It is a music anime that follows the story of a piano player who had to grow up faster than he should have. He’s a musician and has many problems in his life, but you’ll soon see why this anime works so well; the soundtrack is beautiful, and it helps to highlight the emotions of each scene.

8. Mob psycho 100:

The art is different from most anime, but it’s gorgeous. It follows the story of a somewhat normal-looking guy with superpowers, and no one knows it except for his best friend, which leads to some interesting situations. The soundtrack and voice acting are great, and there’s even a second season coming out soon, which you will be excited about!

9. Please don’t bully me, navigator:

This is a very lighthearted anime about a girl in high school who has a crush on one of her teachers and starts getting closer to him without stopping to think about the consequences. It’s hilarious and cute, with relatable characters and fun scenarios. And it manages to avoid all the usual tropes that these kinds of anime fall into.

10. Cowboy Bebop:

One of the most famous action anime out there, it’s set in space and follows an eclectic group of bounty hunters. Every element in the show is incredibly well done- the characters, the dialogue, and even the soundtrack are excellent. It’s considered one of the best shows ever by many people who have seen a lot of anime, so it’s worth a watch even if you don’t like it that much.


If you haven’t seen any anime before, you should check out all of them. Animes have a fantastic storyline that does not take long to execute and will keep you hooked for long., so they’re all great to start with if you like something intense or dark right from the beginning. They have simple but compelling stories that set up worlds and more complex characters as the series continues.