5 Common Drain Cleaning Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

A 15-ton greaseball, the size of a bus, once blocked a London sewer. Fats and greases remain the biggest risk to your drains, among other things you are probably doing and not realizing are causing damage.

If you don’t know how to unblock a drain and would like to avoid some common drain cleaning mistakes, then read on. We will take you through the common mistakes people make with their drains and help you avoid them so your pipes can remain free and clear.

1. Using A Chemical Drain Cleaner

As easy as they may seem to use, chemical drain cleaners are one of the most damaging drain cleaning tools available for purchase. They are designed to dissolve blockages as they encounter them, and they do this by being highly corrosive.

When they are in your pipes, not only will they dissolve your waste products blocking the line, but they will start to degrade the pipe lining itself. If you use them regularly, you will be slowly but surely dissolving your internal plumbing, resulting in much bigger problems. If you need help with regularly unclogging a drain, seek professional help to find the source of the problem.

2. Pouring Fats Down the Drain

Disposing of greases and oils down the drain is an absolute no-no if you want to avoid long-term problems. Fats are liquid when they are hot in the pan, but they will solidify and clog once they cool. This clog could form inside your internal pipes or externally in the street drains.

After a while, massive formations of solidified fats and waste called fatbergs start appearing in the sewers. They cause immense problems for you and your local community. Dispose of fats into your trash once they have solidified, not your drains.

3. Not Using A Plug Strainer

A simple tool for avoiding a clogged kitchen sink is the plug strainer. They sit inside your plug and catch any stray bits of food or plastic that may escape while you are washing or working over the sink.

Preventing these waste products from falling down the drain is a great way to avoid bigger clogs and potential damaging blockages in the future.

4. Flushing Disposable Wipes

Flushable wipes are one of the greatest marketing lies ever let loose into the world. Most wipes are not flushable, and those that claim to be flushable don’t break down in your sewage system but cause blockages instead.

They are, in fact, only called flushable because there are no restrictions on being able to flush them away. However, there should be as they are not suitable for the environment. Throw them in the trash can, or better yet, stick to toilet paper.

5. Not Reacting To Persistent Bad Odors

If your sink has been smelly for some time, it is trying to tell you that there is a problem. Cleansers and vinegar may mask the smells for a while, but unless you hire the services of your residential plumbing service to investigate the situation properly, you are in for more expensive repairs in the future.

Don’t ignore signs that there might be a blockage. Investigate and treat problems before they escalate and cause property damage.

Avoid These Drain Cleaning Mistakes

Hopefully, this short guide has given you some ideas of the common drain cleaning mistakes you need to avoid. Think before you flush and regularly have your pipes checked, and you should have a happy, healthy plumbing system for many years. If you found this article useful, then please read another on our site.