6 Common Tech Questions Asked by Senior Citizens

More seniors than ever before are introducing tech into their day-to-day routines. Despite the surging number of seniors embracing the tech of the 21st century, seniors may struggle to keep up with the tech trends alternating at record speeds. As a result, mountains of unanswered questions fare to double (and even triple) in size with each passing tech release. 

While they may ask their children or grandchildren for help, these elderly folks navigating the world wide web might not get the direct answers they’re looking for, leaving these technologically-challenged seniors disoriented and all the more wary of the technology of today. 

If you are a senior trying to understand the evolving tech world, or you’re someone trying to help out a senior, review the questions below. 

Why is it so hard to type on a smartphone?

Though some smartphones are larger than they were in the recent past, the screens are still quite small, and on-screen keyboards are even smaller. Those seniors who are visually impaired and struggling to maneuver the tiny keyboards on a smartphone screen might consider a user-friendly model like the Jitterbug cell phone, which has keys that are larger and easy to see.

Should I click this link I just got in my email?

Friends often forward emails or send links to other sites. However, scammers and people with bad intentions also send links. With these online predators in mind, make it a rule across the board to refrain from clicking on links embedded in emails. 

While a link sent from a friend or a trusted local business may seem harmless, be warned that hackers are known to impersonate family members, friends, and other loved ones. If curiosity gets the best of you, typing a link into the browser is a better option, but always be careful to ensure it is a valid website.

How do I protect myself when using the internet?

Always access financial websites such as a bank or PayPal by typing the link into the browser. Do not use the same password for all logins. Each account or website that requires a login should have its unique password. Passwords should ideally be a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols that form words not commonly found in the dictionary.

My computer is so slow. How do I make it faster?

A handful of factors determine computer speeds. If the computer has always been slow, it may need more memory (or RAM). If not, the slowdown may be due to many programs running. Closing programs that are not in use will usually aid in speeding up the computer. Sometimes rebooting is also helpful.

My smartphone battery dies so fast. Can I make it last longer?

There are several ways to extend battery life. Your first step should be to check the screen timeout. The display uses a lot of battery, especially if it is bright. So, make sure you set it to turn off after about a minute of use, not longer.

You can also turn on the auto-brightness, which adjusts according to ambient light. Be sure to close apps when not in use, and keep Bluetooth and wifi off if not connected. Location and GPS services also use a lot of battery power, so consider turning them off when you don’t need them.

How do I keep from losing my pictures and documents?

Back up all critical data often. Back up documents and pictures to an external hard drive or flash drive, or upload them to an online service such as Dropbox, Google Photos, or OneDrive.

Before you go

These few answers will hopefully help guide you in the right direction, but never hesitate to ask more questions. Many people are willing to help inexperienced seniors master new technology if they just ask.