6 Tips for Moving Heavy Machinery

If you’re moving spaces and you have large equipment that has to come with you, this can be a logistical nightmare. These big machines are vital to your business, but they are monsters to get out of a building and into another.

Tips for Moving Heavy Machinery

When you’re ready to get started, we’ve put together 6 tips to help you transport heavy machinery. By working smarter, not harder, you can get these big machines to their new location.

1. Use the Right Equipment

A standard dolly isn’t usually enough for heavy machinery moving. You’ll want a heftier cart and machine skates, along with other tools like tow straps and rope. You may even need a forklift or other industrial equipment like cranes.

Using light equipment will be frustrating, and you may break the equipment and the machine you’re trying to move. Stick to the bigger tools for safety and ease of use.

2. Be Smart

If you’re wondering how to move heavy machinery, the best way is to use your head. Be smart about how you tackle the project. Can you take apart the machine first?

How many pieces does it break into? Will you be able to fit them out the door or will you need to break them into even smaller pieces? Be sure that you know how to get them back together again when you’ve moved them to their final destination.

3. Make a Plan

Before you get started, be sure you know how to move heavy equipment. Which pieces will you move first? Will they fit through the door?

How will you manoeuvre the pieces to get them to fit? Let all the movers know the plan ahead of time so there aren’t any miscommunications, which can lead to injuries.

4. Recruit Helpers

If everyone can get a grip, it’s a lot easier to lift something heavy with several helpers. Trying to figure out how to move heavy tools with just one buddy is nearly impossible. The more helping hands you have, the easier your project will be.

5. Don’t Underestimate Your Space

You’ll need to measure the heavy equipment moving space you’ll need. Be sure to leave a wide berth to turn or rotate any pieces to fit through doorways and up the stairs. Remember that angles can be tricky, so leave yourself as much room as possible to clear corners.

Consider the geometry of the space. You may be able to turn pieces in unusual ways to help make them easier to move or to make them fit better.

6. Get Some Help

Sometimes the best way to get the job done is to hire a professional. Machinery movers who do this kind of project all the time may charge a premium, but it’s worth it.

Their time is valuable and they can accomplish the task faster and safer than many enthusiastic but novice movers could. Asking the experts to help is the best move you can make.

Big Jobs

Moving heavy machinery is a monumental task. Sometimes you may feel you can manage it on your own, and with the tips above you may be able to.