6 Tips to Use to Make Your Cubby House Safe for Your Little Ones

Does your little one look at the cubby houses online in awe? Thinking of getting your little one a cubby house soon? But are you worried about how to keep the cubby house safe for your kid? Well, if all these are playing on your mind, it’s time you start scrolling down!

Below we will tell you some great ways to keep your cubby house safe and also help you with some tips! So, let’s not waste any more time in finding out what they are!

6 Tips to Make Your Cubby House Safe!

With schools being closed, it’s time for children to spend more time at home. And that makes it obvious that your kid will spend a lot of their playtime in the cubby house!

So, to ensure your little one is safe, it’s time you start scrolling down! With the list of pro tips mentioned below, we’re sure it’ll really help you:

1. Ensure the Cubby House is Fit for Your Kid

It’s vital you ensure that the cubby house you purchase is suitable for your kid. By saying this, what we mean is that the cubby house that is suitable for a four-year-old is not ideal for a child who is 10. The reason you need to ensure this is because the furniture and other playing objects need to suit the height of your kid. Something that is safe for a kid that is ten years old might not be safe for your four-year-old child.

2. Ensure the Cubby House has Boundaries

Well, when we’re talking about safety, how can we miss out on this point? Parents generally keep their cubby house in the backyard, and it might not be possible for you to always keep a watch on them.

So, you have to make sure your kid does not go on the driveways or have any access to the road nearby. Also, be sure the roof has boundaries or is built in a way that they are unable to climb it.

Pro Tip: It’s ideal that you keep the cubby house in a place where you can easily watch your kids play, depending on the size you purchase.

3. Ensure The Cubby House is Smoothly Sanded

When you’re thinking about your kid’s safety, there are several things you have to keep note of. And one of them is keeping the cubby house smoothly sanded. Be sure there aren’t any abrasions, scrapes, and splinters.

4. Make a Grass Landing

Apart from a sand landing, you can also think of a grass landing for your kid. And by doing that, you can be sure your kid will have no bruises and cuts while playing or sliding.

5. Ensure the Cubby House is Made of Kids Friendly Material

This is something you have to keep note of when you’re purchasing the cubby house. You can either make the cubby house at home or purchase it from a renowned brand that produces cubby houses that are made of timber that is arsenic-free. Once you make sure the timber is free from arsenic, you can be sure there will be no termite or white ant attacks.

6. Keep the surrounding areas clean

Since a cubby house is usually placed in the backyard, you have to be sure it is clean so that no harmful insects are present in the backyard and near the cubby house. Apart from that, you can try out an occasional cleaning to keep the spiders away. There can be chances of trip hazards at times, so be sure you don’t keep big objects in your backyard.

Final Thoughts

Cubby houses are not only a lovely playing space for your kid but also give you a chance to make love memories together. There are a variety of cubby houses for children, and each of them is specifically designed for a particular age group. And to ensure your kid’s safety, it is always advisable to get the one that matches your child’s age.

Also, when you’re purchasing or making a cubby house ensure the safety points we’ve mentioned above! Check if all the fittings are properly anchored, and you create a landing space that isn’t hard. So, get your kid this and see that broad smile on their face!