8 of the Most famous Funny Riddles in History

This article’s goal is to shed light on how people throughout the world have created intentionally funny riddles that make the reader laugh. It includes humorous stories, such as the one about two frogs who were unable to cross a stream and how they got over it in the end, hilarious poems like “The One-legged Man,” and quotes from comedians like Jerry Seinfeld.

What are riddles?

  1. Riddles are a type of puzzle that is often used in oral tradition.
  2. Riddles have been around for centuries.
  3. They can be found all over the world.
  4. They are often considered to be funny.
  5. This is largely due to the way they are typically worded. Most riddles are written in a clever and humorous manner.
  6. Riddles can be used for a variety of purposes. They can be used as a form of entertainment, or they can be used to test someone’s intelligence.
  7. Some famous riddles include the following: Who am I? What is square and has four corners? Why did the chicken cross the road?

The 8 funniest riddles in history

There are many famous riddles in history, but these eight are some of the funniest.

  1. What has a head but no body, a mouth but no tongue, and can neither speak nor hear? 
  2. What walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening? 
  3. A man went to see a doctor with a headache; the doctor said, “I don’t know what you have, but I can cure it.” 
  4. Why was an egg thrown into a lake? 
  5. Why did the chicken cross the road? 
  6. How do you catch a cheetah? 
  7. If a tree falls in the forest and there’s nobody there to hear it, does it make a sound? 
  8. How do you catch a fly in an open window?

Riddle 1: Who are you that can walk on the ground, swim in the air, and eat fire?

This riddle is a humorous question that asks who or what can do all of these things. The answer is you! You are the person or thing that can walk on the ground, swim in the air, and eat fire.

This riddle is a humorous question that asks who or what can do all of these things. The answer is you! You are the person or thing that can walk on the ground, swim in the air, and eat fire.

Riddle 2: What walks by day, sleeps by night, and can never be seen?

The answer to this riddle is a shadow. A shadow can never be seen, but it walks by day and sleeps by night. 

Riddle 3: What has one leg, two eyes, and three teeth?

An elephant! Of course! An elephant has one leg, two eyes, and three teeth – just like in our riddle! Elephants are one of the most famous animals in history, and their funny expressions have made them popular on social media platforms like Instagram.

Elephants are considered to be a symbol of wisdom and strength, and their large size is often attributed to their intelligence. They are known for their ability to travel long distances without tiring, and they are also known as gentle giants.

If you’re looking for some funny riddles to challenge your friends or family, try out our third riddle on our list! Thanks for reading!

Riddle 4: How can you see something with your mouth shut?

Can you see something with your mouth shut?

Yes, you can! You can see the color red!

Riddle 5: What has a heart that doesn’t beat, a mouth that doesn’t speak, and eyes that don’t see?

A mask!

Riddle 6: What has an eight-foot frame and a head that weighs one ton?

An elephant!

Riddle 7: Why did the chicken cross the road?

To get to the other side!

Riddle 8: Why don’t scientists trust atoms?

Because they make up everything.


As we all know, riddles are one of the oldest forms of entertainment and they have been around for centuries. Some of the most famous Funny riddles in history include The Riddle Of The Sphinx, which has been attributed to Greek philosopher Eukleides, and The Riddle Of The Urn, which is said to have originated in Ancient Persia.