The promoter of this theory was Pesendorfer, who developed the most accepted fashion model, in which he proposes that fashion is to facilitate the differentiation between types of consumers during the process of social interaction, which is why luxury goods such as They are the fashion, they are considered referential goods, according to this social behaviour of the different consumers.
The theory of innovation, Design and Fashion Cycles
There are many theories such as Kotler’s fashion theory, Georg Simmel’s theory of imitation and differentiation, Blumer’s theory of collective selection, all these theories support Pesendorfel’s theory. That applies an analysis according to the creation of the designer, and the behaviour of consumers.
The word “tendency” comes from Latin, which means to tend to, to incline to, to be attracted to; According to the RAE, the trend is understood as “an artistic, economic, political and religious idea, which is oriented in a certain direction”
The trend is understood as the preferences about the tastes shared by different groups of people, which coincide when representing a design marked by a style, which influences the rest. It is the current, the innovative and what interests the majority for a predetermined period of time.
Trends move based on shapes or silhouettes, colours and patterns, materials and textures, on a linear timeline (diachronic) that is modified and enriched by events and elements that produce variations in the system (synchronous). The trends are made on the basis of studies in marketing and advertising.
There are different trends such as:
International trends: they are those that go from one country to another, currently very quickly due to the spread over the internet.
Regional trends: it depends on the customs of each region, designers adapt their designs to them.
Macro trend: Vlone Fashion trends that last over time. They are imposed as a lifestyle and give rise to micro trends. Currently, you can see an increase in the type of casual clothing. People’s interest in these fashions, shopping online and buying things that last as a form of economy.
Micro-trends: they are the ones that cause the fashions that change every season, revolutionize the market, open a range of possibilities and promote consumption.
The cycles of fashion: When fashion is everywhere, it can be said that it is the beginning of the end, and so clearly the same fashions come and go. After knowing what trends are and how they affect fashion cycles, we came to the conclusion of the types of fashion that exist, among which the following stand out:
Fad: It is well-known fashions that last only one season, and did not reappear. They are short-lived products on the market. During their entry, they receive a good reception, but they dissipate quickly.
Cyclical fashion: They are those that appear, disappear, and reappear for a while.
Custom fashion or not at all classic: They are the garments that last over time despite having certain ups and downs.
Within the same fashion trend cycle, we can identify different categories by looking at the lifetime of the trend in question and how quickly the adoption period rises and falls. Among the various categories are:
The classic: A fashion that is present longer than expected. They are styles that never completely disappear (e.g. white shirts, black dresses, coats).
Fads: These are products that have a short shelf life. They usually enter the scene with great impact, but only to disappear as quickly as they arrive. Although fads have a short life cycle, the smartest designers and retailers are able to capitalize on the business that these fads originate by keeping customers and the press interested in them (e.g., Swedish shoes from these fashions). season).
Cycles between cycles: Successful designers are able to tweak design elements (colour, texture, and shape) to offer “new” on a popular product while keeping it fresh and maximizing its shelf-life [An example of this is the LBD (Little black dress) that has become a classic and a staple product in any wardrobe and that never stops being updated].
Who leads and who follows fashion?
Leaders are the driving force behind a new fashion item, but a true trend will depend on the followers to establish itself. There is dissemination of Trends, which conceive 5 types of people-fashion consumers:
Innovators: These are those who adopt a new style or fashion item before other customers. They may or may not influence others to adopt the style, but they nevertheless create an awareness of it and provide its initial visual exposure. They feel much more socially secure than the rest and are much more interested in fashion than most.
Early Adapters: Early adopters will cement a particular fashionable style. They exert great influence on the people in their social group, but they remain within the social norms of a group. They can also adopt a slightly modified version of a style after the innovators start to get the attention of others. This group is crucial for introducing mainstream trends.
Early Majority: Early Majority don’t think much of it before buying and look to the trendiest and most stylish for a guide. They are influenced by advertisements and the media, as it is important to look good and be well accepted by those around them.
Late Majority: The late majority are much more sceptical about the “latest” fashions and take their time to convince themselves that something is “carried away”. However, he does not give up being part of the group and, consequently, he will end up following the crowd. They tend to have more traditional tastes and often come from the poorest socioeconomic strata.
Stragglers: Stragglers watch neighbours and friends. They look for comfort and are not interested in any trend. They are afraid of going into debt, so they are the least indicated to create a trend like Anti Social Social Club.