Best Inspirational Books For College Students

Reading transforms the way one sees the world. It improves concentration power and memory. It also enhances the vocabulary of the students. Along with language, social and emotional skills, it also develops cognitive skills. 

Inspirational Books For College Students

When we consider college students, they are teenagers who start learning and exploring the real world. If they have a better perception of the world, it would help them in succeeding in their lives. Therefore, it is necessary to provide them with good guidance and books can be of great help in inspiring and motivating them for a better future. If motivational quotes for students can ignite a spark, think of the wonders that a book is full of inspiration can do. 

Before your college life comes to an end, here is a list of a few books that you should read.

Man’s Searching for Meaning

Written by the great author Viktor Frankl, this book is a self-help book that exhibits the driving factors of mankind. It would help you in finding the purpose of your life and staying motivated in every difficult situation.

Year of Yes

Authored by Shonda Rhimes the book focuses on showing the importance of overcoming fears to be successful. She shares her life experience and how it helped her overcome her fears.  The strategy that she followed was that she said yes to everything that feared in life for one year. This changed her completely as a person. She recommends the same to her readers. 


Mastery is a book by Robert Greene that provides a guide to master the art of teaching. It is a step-by-step guide to how to master a skill. It is a guide for outside the classroom learning experience 

You Do You

A book by New York Times bestseller “Sarah Knight” motivates the youth to discover their true self and live with it. It aims at influencing anyone to find happiness and live their life to the fullest. She gives great advice to not let anyone else control your happiness.

The Art of Learning 

This book is written by Josh Waitzkin which provides a guide on becoming better at self-learning. It helps you customize your learning strategies. Josh Waitzkin is an expert in multiple fields and he has listed down the strategies that helped him in his life through this book.

Never Eat Alone

Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz talk about the importance of networking through this book. They emphasize the significance of building the right network from early adulthood. This book might help you with building good relationships that benefit you throughout your life.

The Power of Habit 

This book by Charles Duhigg teaches you why it is important to build good habits in life and the importance of dodging bad habits. For this purpose, the book suggests a method of routine, cue and reward. Developing good habits in life not only benefits you but also the people around you.

Deep Work 

This book by Cal Newport focuses on the importance of productivity. It exhibits the power of uninterrupted concentration in our lives. It helps you in prioritizing important tasks and finding peace of mind and dedicated time for any work.


Numerous other books aimed at inspiring people. As a college student, it is important to choose the right book to read as books have a lasting effect on us. Hope these books add value to your life and change your perception of the world.