No matter what skin type you have, it goes through certain changes from time to time. Getting clogged pores on the face and nose area is a common skin-related issue that almost every person suffers from. No matter how old are you, many factors accelerate the skin’s natural process, and getting clogged pores is one of them.
What Are Clogged Pores?
Clogged pores build up because of the excess oil, dead skin, make-up residual, and other pollutants. Almost everyone has these pores that are mostly hidden. Pores become visible when they are enlarged or clogged with impurities. Regular cleansing, exfoliation, and scrubbing help to get rid of such pores. Tap below to know more in detail.
Ways to Get Rid of Clogged Pores
Avoid Squeezing the Pores
Some people find it tempting and satisfying to touch, scratch, or squeeze the enlarged pores but you should avoid doing that. However, by doing so, the pores can develop into scars and cause more breakouts. Using tools to extract the scars without knowing the right way can also cause damage to the skin. Make sure to avoid scratching the pores as it is painful and causes inflammation to the skin.
Use a Facial Cleanser
One of the best ways to get rid of the pores is to indulge in the habit of daily cleansing. Using a Facial Cleanser Tool is an effective tool to remove excess oil from the face along with the layer of dead skin cells. It effectively cleans the impurities from the face, tackles blemishes, removes make-up with ease, and cleans the clogged pores that become enlarged.
Exfoliate Your Skin
Add exfoliation to your skincare routine to get rid of the facial pores. Exfoliating your skin especially your face has a plethora of skin benefits like removing deep-set impurities, glowing skin, and much more. You can use a face scrub that consists of particles that rub against your skin and remove all the dirt from skin pores. It helps to remove dead skin cells, cleanse the clogged pores, and provides healthy and glowing skin.
Wipe off the Face after Workout
Make sure to wipe off sweat from your face and take a bath after working out. Cleaning the body right after the workout session helps to clean the sweat, oil, dirt and avoid the building of pores on your face. Leaving sweat on your face after any physical activity can also cause skin irritation and dehydration; hence make sure to clean the face after exercising.
Remove the Make-Up before Sleeping
No matter how tired you are, never go to bed without cleaning the make-up and use good make-up removal. Cleaning the make-up helps to make skin breathe freely and controls the majority of skin-related issues. The best way to avoid beauty products clogging the pores is by cleaning the make-up after the day and also cleansing the skin before application.
Use the right technique to apply make-up by blending it well to avoid the product settling into fine lines that later clog the pores. Say goodbye to clogged pores by simply following the below tips and making your skin feel lighter and healthier!