Category Business

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Delivering Outcomes from Alerts With MDR

Delivering Outcomes from Alerts With MDR

Managed detection and response (MDR) is a type of cybersecurity tool that is gaining popularity due to its robust capabilities and effectiveness. It’s estimated that the managed security services market is currently worth about $13 billion—and is only growing. One…

Why Adaptive Planning Matters

Why Adaptive Planning Matters

Putting in place cutting-edge technology is wonderful, but such wizardry doesn’t drive change, and organizational decisions should not be made based solely on what it churns out. While Workday adaptive planning can help businesses of all sizes with forecasting, budgeting,…

Improving your Customer loyalty with Email Marketing

Improving your Customer loyalty with Email Marketing

A fundamental part of a successful company is generating a community around it, making its consumers feel valued, loved, and taken into account. Listen to the voice of experience; 82% of companies consider it cheaper to retain customers than find…

Reasons You Should Use Tech Recruitment Software

Reasons You Should Use Tech Recruitment Software

There are many reasons why Recruitment Software is becoming more popular. Recruitment software helps to automate the hiring process, which saves both time and money. Recruiters can use recruitment software to filter candidates by skills, education level, geographic location, or…