Most Popular December Global Holidays To Celebrate In 2021

December, the last month of the year, is filled with a festive spirit and enthusiasm. Various significant events take place in December across many religions and regions. People are curious about the December Global Holiday. The entire list of December worldwide holidays, as well as religious festivals in December, is provided here. Starting from the 1st through the 31st of December, there are various holidays.

December Global Holidays

December 1st is a national day in the UAE, while December 4th is Father’s Day in Ghana, according to the December worldwide holiday list. Similarly, there are several December holidays celebrated across the world. So, let’s have a look at the calendar of global holidays in December. December Global Holidays Christmas will be celebrated on December 25th in most nations throughout the world.

Holidays are a time when folks get together with family and friends to celebrate the end of the year and the beginning of the next. December is a month of global celebrations; to discover more about the festivities, continue reading this article.

December Global Holidays & Festivities:

Humans, as sentient beings, have established certain December global holidays to commemorate significant historical events. The start of winter festivities is officially marked in December. However, the year-end month has more to offer than simply Christmas and New Year.

December is home to a plethora of festivals and holidays, including Hanukkah, World AIDS Day, Santa Lucia, Festivus, Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanzaa, New Year’s Eve, and many more. The following are brief descriptions of December holidays throughout the world:

World AIDS Day: 

This occasion is dedicated to raising awareness about this deadly disease and commemorating those who have died as a result of it. AIDS is a deadly virus that weakens a person’s immune system, making them more susceptible to illness. AIDS has killed roughly 40 million individuals worldwide since 1981. Every year, this continuous worldwide pandemic claims the lives of two million people.

Eat a Red Apple Day: 

This healthy fruit has been consumed by humans since 6500 B.C. Every year on December 1st, Eat a Red Apple Day is observed. Apples are picked in late fall and may be found all over the place.

The Great Depression forced American towns to feed teachers between the years 1930 and 1940. As a result, the link between education and apples was born.

National Christmas Lights Day:

The National Christmas Lights holiday is observed on December 1st, 1903, following the popular acceptance of electric lights by the general public. Although Thomas Edison developed Christmas lights in 1880, they were immediately rejected because people were sceptical of the notion of electricity at the time. String or fairy lights are no longer just for Christmas; they have become a symbol of the winter holiday season.

Santa Lucia: 

The holiday of Santa Lucia is celebrated on December 13th. Santa Lucia is an Italian saint who gave his life for the sake of others. Following that, the whole community saw her as a martyr and a figure of light amid the darkness.

Furthermore, the occasion is commemorated every year on December 13th. People mostly honour the martyr in Scandinavia and Italy. On this day, people also tend to perform processions.

In addition, the vocalists usually dress in white and march with white candles. Every year, they execute this tradition to commemorate and honour Saint Lucia. Normally, individuals who follow Saint Lucia attend this event, but anyone can as well.


The Yule festival begins on December 21st and concludes on January 1st. This specific festival, which is widely observed in Germany, is dedicated to the Norse God Odin. It is a pagan celebration celebrated in the honour of Odin. It is also known as Yuletide.

Furthermore, it coincides with the winter solstice, making it one of the oldest festivities. It is also a tradition observed by a large number of individuals in Germany. The Yule Altar is the first thing that people do to commemorate the event. They will, however, present the flower to Mother Nature.


Festivus is a December global festival that first appeared in popular culture in 1997, thanks to an episode of Seinfeld titled “The Strike.” The goal of this mock holiday is to protest Christmas materialism. Instead of buying an expensive Christmas tree, Festivus is celebrated by gathering around a modest metal pole. “Feats of strength” and “airing of grievances” are two more prominent Festivus practises.

Some experts have slammed Festivus supporters, labelling them as anti-conventional people with irrational ideas on Christmas and its genuine significance. However, the holiday has grown in popularity, particularly among thrifty spenders and minimalists.


Christmas is without a doubt the most popular December holiday. The day commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom Christians believe was God’s final true prophet sent to save humanity from sin. Christmas differs from most religious celebrations in that it is widely observed even by non-Christians.

It is worth mentioning, however, that the exact date of Jesus’ birth is uncertain. Christmas was chosen only because it corresponded with the Roman calendar’s winter solstice. Furthermore, Christmas is observed in numerous nations as a cultural rather than a religious celebration. There are several ways to celebrate the holiday season, including leaving presents for Santa Claus or Father Christmas. On Christmas Day, many individuals attend church services, while some choose to take a full-fledged holiday.