Easy Steps To Get Dried Dog Pee Out Of Carpets And Rugs

The best way to remove dried dog pee from carpets is to use a mixture of dishwashing liquid, vinegar, and baking soda. However, you must dilute the vinegar, which can damage the carpet, with water. To use vinegar, mix two tablespoons of it with one quart of water.

Dishwashing Liquid

There are a few things you can do to get dried dog pee out of carpets and rugs. First, you can make a mild cleaning solution by mixing 8 teaspoons of dishwashing liquid with 1 cup of warm water. This solution will dissolve any stain and should remove the liquid from your carpet. It can be sprayed directly onto the stain, but you should remember to avoid the backing of the carpet. Afterward, you should blot the stain with a towel and vacuum.

Another simple cleaning solution is to use diluted vinegar or baking soda. Mix equal parts of the two and lightly scrub the affected area. This will help neutralize the odor and kill bacteria that are present in the dried dog pee. If you want to remove the odors from carpets, you can use baking soda or an enzymatic cleaner.

Using dishwashing liquid to remove dried dog pee will work for some pets, but it won’t work for all pet stains. If the stain is old, you may want to apply baking soda to the area first. It will also absorb any residual odor. Once the area is clean, you can repeat the cleaning process if necessary. If the stain does not come off, you can use a black light to check the stain and remove any cleaning detergents. You can also use urine stain and odor remover for carpets and upholstered furniture is a great alternative to harsh chemicals.

Baking Soda

Using baking soda to get dried dog pee out of your carpet or rug is an effective way to remove pet stains and odors. Baking soda has a variety of cleaning properties and can be used for many different purposes. Let it sit overnight and vacuum up the affected area in the morning.

You can also try hydrogen peroxide to remove pet stains. Mix one part hydrogen peroxide with one part baking soda. This mixture should make a thick paste. It will bubble up and may take a few hours before the stain disappears. This method is most effective on light-colored carpets.

You can also use hydrogen peroxide or dish detergent to remove the smell. You should mix them and apply them to the stain. Allow them to sit for 24 hours and then clean the area with a carpet cleaner. If you want to remove the stain completely, use a vacuum cleaner.


Vinegar is a popular household cleaning solution that works well to remove pet stains. If you can’t get the stain out completely on your own, try diluted white vinegar on a small patch to see if it works. For a more thorough cleanup, you can also use dish soap.  They are ideal in the cleaning of outdoor rugs. You can also purchase outdoor rugs in the shape of pumpkins or other designs. You can also add outdoor rugs in different shapes as well. But it is suggested to buy in a less complicated shape for better cleaning. 

Mix equal parts of vinegar and water and gently scrub the affected area. This solution will neutralize the odor and bacteria that are in the urine. You may want to mix baking soda with vinegar to increase the strength of the cleaning solution. Another solution is a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. You may also add a bit of dish-washing detergent to the solution. This mixture will neutralize the odor while cleaning your carpets.

If you want to use vinegar to get rid of dog pee stains, be sure to dilute it. Undiluted vinegar will ruin the carpet fibers. You can then apply the vinegar directly to the urine stain and let it sit for two to five minutes. This will prevent any discoloration or other damage to the carpet fibers.


The first step in cleaning dried dog pee from a carpet is to use a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water. You can also sprinkle baking soda on the area and let it sit overnight. This will absorb the liquid and remove the smell.