How to Deal With a Drug-Addicted Family Member

Drug addiction can cause financial, mental, and emotional problems for the person abusing the drugs and the people in their lives. Even worse, people addicted to drugs find it hard to accept that they are addicts and think they can stop whenever they want. They believe they are taking the drugs of their own free will, not knowing that they have fallen victim to drug addictions. If you suspect that your child, sibling, or any other family member is using drugs, even if they don’t admit to it, you can purchase home drug testing kits to test them for drugs. If the results come back positive, here is what you should do to handle the situation.

Research on Your Family Member’s Drug Addiction

The best way to know which course of action to take when treating your family member’s addiction is to learn about the drug they are addicted to. The easiest way to find information on the various types of drugs, their side effects, and treatment options is to read research articles online. Doing so will also help you understand the best approach when confronting your relatives about their drug addiction.

Confront Your Relatives on Their Drug Addiction

Any intervention should be planned. The best way to do that is to involve other family members and professionals. Not using the right approach will make matters worse and might drive your family members away or cause them to use more drugs. So, decide how you will intervene by choosing the people to involve, which should consist of relatives, friends, or other people who matter to the addict. Try to sound caring and affectionate in your approach by sharing how you feel about them using drugs instead of shaming them. 

Look for Support Programs

By learning and interacting with people who have also experienced the effects of living with people suffering from drug addiction, you can find comfort in the fact that you are not alone. Furthermore, attending the programs will help you heal from the emotional and mental trauma of dealing with drug addicts.

Seek Help From a Professional

Many factors can cause people to turn to drugs. It’s not surprising to find many drug addicts with unresolved mental issues, such as depression, which might have led them to start using drugs. So, the best thing to do when dealing with a drug addict is not to shame or punish them but rather to help them seek the help they need from a professional. Find a detox center or hospital nearby that can help your drug-addicted relative to heal from all their problems apart from treating the addiction.

You can also introduce them to anonymous support groups where they can talk to other addicts who have been treated and overcame their addiction. This will inspire them to work towards living a clean, drug-free life.

Set Boundaries

Provide your addict relatives with all the help they need but don’t trust them with money during recovery. Giving an addict money during their recovery period may cause them to relapse as they might be tempted to use it to purchase drugs, especially when they experience withdrawal symptoms.


Drug addiction is a serious pandemic taking away many young lives. Therefore, it’s important to help your friends or relatives with drug addiction seek help as soon as possible.