Top Lower Back Stretches To Help You Find Relief

Whether it is sitting behind your work desk every day or your messed up posture, back pain, especially lower back pain, is pretty common, considering our 21st-century lifestyle. Spending long hours confined to a closed space without any physical activity can cause stiffness in your back. 

Moreover, it can also be a sign of an underlying condition like acute pancreatitis or kidney stones. And while simple stretching can not treat the pain altogether, it can surely bring relief and decrease the stiffness caused in your muscles. 

So, before you call spine team Spokane, take out your yoga mats to get started with these simple stretching, which will not only relieve back pain but also help you become more energetic. 

Some Quick Tips

Before you get started, it is vital to keep a few things in mind. Be extra cautious when it comes to stretching your lower back. Make sure you do every exercise slowly and do not exceed your limit. 

Focus on your breathing. You should be able to perform the stretches while breathing normally. You should be able to breathe smoothly and comfortably during every exercise. Remember not to overdo anything. 

Child’s Pose

Child’s pose is a traditional yoga asana that stretches your spinal extensors, thing muscles and the gluteus maximus muscle. Performing this pose two times a day can also relieve you of back pain, loosen up the back muscles and make your limbs flexible. 

To get started, sit on your knees on a mat. Place your hands on the mat and bend forward. Rest your belly button on your thighs and stretch your arms alongside your body with palms facing upwards. 

Take deep breaths and stay in the same pose for about one minute. If you feel like you need support, place a rolled-up towel on your knees and push it with your belly. You can also rest your head on a cushion. 

Knee-To-Chest Stretch

This pose will relax your thighs, hips and glutes along with stretching your back muscles. To start stretching, lay down on your yoga mat with your face upwards. 

Take a deep breath and lift your knee to your chest. Clasp your hands at the backward of your knee and push your belly downwards. Do not overexert yourself. 

Take a deep breath and hold the pose for about one minute. Release any tension from the body and focus on your breathing. Repeat the same with the left leg. 

If you are unable to clasp your hand behind your thighs, wrap a towel around the leg and hold both ends of the towel. 

Sphinx Stretch

This gentle backbend strengthens your buttocks, spine and chest. In addition to this, it also increases your flexibility and stretches your back muscles. 

To perform the sphinx stretch, lie down on the mat with your back facing upwards. Place your elbows underneath your shoulders and extend your arms in front of you with palms facing downwards. 

Widen your feet slightly. Take a deep breath and lift your upper body. Straighten your hands and make sure not to bend your elbows. Stay in the same pose for bout one minute or 30 seconds. 

Summing Up

You can perform these simple stretches in the morning or evening. Moreover, while these exercises might seem easy, it is wise to keep your strength in mind. Try not to overexert yourself and let your breathing be the guide to your stretches. 

Lastly, if you feel like you need to get in touch with a chiropractor, you can contact the spine team Spokane to help you find relief from problems like lower back pain.