UPSC NDA Preparation Tips For SBB Interview, Medical Test, and GK

How is the UPSC NDA Merit List prepared? Are you contemplating the same? A combined merit list regarding both batches is prepared following the total marks of written and SSB interviews. Candidates are needed to prepare for both categories putting in the best effort. You need to do your exam preparation following the best strategy. Mark the tough topics and pay more attention to them. 

UPSC NDA Preparation

Candidates who attend the written exam can check the UPSC NDA Result by visiting the official site. The result is introduced in PDF form. You will find the roll number over there. If you clear the written exam then you will be called for the SSB interview. 

What Points You Need To Keep In Mind Regarding SBB Interview

If you get successful in clearing this written exam then you will be called for the SSB interview. You might be wondering about the second stage. But you need to keep in mind that the interview can easily be categorized into two different tests called the Psychological Aptitude Test and the second one is the Intelligence Test. 

  • You need to work on your personality to clear this exam indeed. Therefore, the importance of personality cannot be ignored at all. If your personality is good then you are supposed to be hired indeed. 
  • The motto of this test is all about assessing the candidates in the context of officers such as qualities. Therefore, you should practice this at home. You should be full of confidence while answering interviewers. 
  • Therefore candidates must kick-off being available for a psychological test right from the start. You should read different books to know more about it in a detailed manner. 

What Is All About the Tips of Medical Examination?

Candidates are required to stay physically and mentally strong to sit well with the physical standards. UPSC is responsible to set the standards accordingly indeed. You may not believe that many qualified candidates are rejected following medical grounds. 

Therefore, it is quite important to make sure they are medically examined thoroughly. Do not forget to rectify all sorts of minor defects so that they can go in their favour indeed. The best thing is that regular exercise, as well as a balanced diet, always plays a major role to keep you completely stay fit and healthy. You should be self-disciplined to get the best results indeed. 

Do Not Circumvent The Importance Of GK

GK paper is one of the subjects that most candidates take lightly while it must not. This subject deserves the same attention. You must be aware of the fact that many questions come from this category indeed. GK paper is a huge one in its way. You need to prepare different sections when it comes to general science and social science. 

  • To make your preparation way much stronger, you should go with a lucent publication covering all important topics indeed. Most questions come from this segment indeed. 
  • The best thing is that lucent carries a variety of topics right from social science indeed. 
  • You need to go ahead to read the different newspapers so that you could stay aware of the latest current affairs indeed. You may also study Atlas to take your knowledge level to the next level.
  • Manorama Yearbook is also worthy to read to develop a better understanding. It would not be an exaggeration if it says that Manorama is indeed an ideal as well as a self-sufficient book.


So, what are you waiting for? Make sure that you bring all these points into practice to have an ideal understanding and achieve excellent results. We wish you the best of luck with your exam.