What are the Most Common Orthopedic Surgeries?

Your musculoskeletal system, which includes joints, bones, cartilage, ligaments, and tendons, helps with the movement of your body and, therefore, facilities your daily activities in life. At times, injuries to these parts can lead to non-invasive and invasive procedures. Orthopaedic surgeries can be slightly expensive and this field of speciality has a complex billing system too. Therefore, healthcare providers with orthopedic billing services are more reliable as they not only charge you accurately for the services rendered but also are more efficient in providing the best services to their patients.

The thought of getting orthopaedic surgery can be quite daunting. However, the most common ones are usually safe and don’t really pose any complications down the line. Hence, we have listed below the most common orthopedic surgeries for you to be aware of them. Keep reading!

Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery can be either partial or complete, and this depends on how badly your cartilage in the knee joint is damaged. Cartilage is kind of like a bone but it’s more flexible and soft.

If your knee joint is damaged, it may restrict your movement and cause you extreme pain. In case of extreme damage to your knee joint, you may have to undergo a complete knee replacement surgery, which requires your knee to be completely replaced with metal components. If there’s slight damage to your joint, only that damaged portion is replaced.

Spinal Surgeries

Spinal surgeries can be quite critical as compared to any other orthopedic surgery as it supports your entire skeletal system. However, due to the advancement in technology, spinal surgeries can be performed with minimal invasion.

The most common spinal surgeries are spinal fusion, vertebroplasty, laminectomy, artificial disc replacement, and interlaminar implant.

Joint Fusion

This orthopedic surgery is more common in people who suffer from arthritis. In this kind of surgery, the damaged cartilage is grafted and replaced with the cartilage from the uninjured part of your body. Then the bones are combined together to ensure the joint stabilizes. Joint fusion can be performed on your feet, fingers, ankles, and spine.

Ankle Repair Surgery

Among several different musculoskeletal injuries, a fracture is the most common one. Ankle repair surgery is performed when the joint does not stabilize after a fracture. Therefore, implants are used during the surgery to reposition the bones accurately.

The patient is then required to wear a cast for a number of weeks and not put pressure or weight on their foot. Once the area heals, the patient engages in exercises recommended by a physiotherapist for a quick, complete recovery.

ACL Reconstruction Surgery

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) runs from your thighbone to your shinbone, and it is vital to keep your knee joint stable. Usually, the injury in this ligament occurs due to extreme sports like soccer, volleyball, or tennis, and it often requires ACL reconstruction surgery.

The damaged part of the ACL is replaced by grafting a tendon from the undamaged part of your body. This surgery isn’t quite invasive and patients are usually discharged from the hospital the same day.