What Are the Signs of Diabetes in Teenagers?

In a world that is staggering through sugary foods, the rate of diabetes is increasing in people across all age groups, including teens. Since it is easier to prevent teens from spiralling with diabetes, here are some signs that can hint your teen has teenage diabetes.

Types of Diabetes in Teens

Type 1 Diabetes

This type of diabetes was previously called juvenile diabetes, which happens when the pancreas is unable to produce insulin. When this happens, sugar is unable to be assimilated from the blood into the cells. This leads to high blood sugar levels. Its treatment involves using insulin for the rest of their lives and monitoring blood sugar, omitting sugar and carb-rich things from the diet and other habits that help maintain a healthy sugar level.

Type 2 Diabetes

This type of diabetes is less common in teens but not entirely impossible. When the body is deficient in insulin, your body gets spikes in glucose levels. As child obesity continues to rise, so does the level of type 2 diabetes in young people. To manage type 2 diabetes, kids need to exercise more, change their diets and maintain healthy routines. Before things spiral downwards, bodies tend to send signals that require work done.

Symptoms of Teenage Diabetes

Increased thirst and an urgent need to pee

You will notice that your teen is hydrating a lot and frequenting the toilet more than usual, even when it is not hot.


Teens are always hungry, but you will notice that they are trying to eat a lot more over short periods of time. If this is not normal in your household, you might want to get them tested.


You will notice your child lagging perhaps more than usual. They sleep more, fail to do small tasks, and generally look tired. They will often complain about being tired, even though they have not been working.

Weight Loss

Your child could be eating a lot, but you will notice that they are shedding weight easily.

Fruity Smell on Their Breath

Even when they haven’t eaten fruits, their mouth smells fruity.

They are Irritable

Teens are usually very irritable, but you might want them checked if it is happening more than usual.

Blurred Vision

Another sign is if they are having issues with their vision, especially if they have not had them before, it might be time to visit the doctor.

Itchy Genitals

If your child has itchy genitals, their sugar levels might be going crazy. This is usually common for type 2 diabetes. So if your teen comes to you with a complaint of itchiness around their nether regions, combined with these other signs, it could be a sign that your child is sick.

Doctors advise noting the 4Ts, toilet, thirsty, tired and thinner. Combined, these four T’s are the first signs that should prompt you to take your teen for a check-up that could help keep managing the situation early enough. Resources like Tander Diabetes Care can help parents manage their kids’ diabetes better.