What To Do When You Get Injured At Work In California

If you are currently working at a company in California, you should be aware of the steps to take if you get injured at work. Whether you are in an office or in a factory, accidents are inevitable. 

It is common for employees to think the accident is the sole fault of their employers and think they do not have any liability. However, that is actually not the case. If you have just been in one, you need the help of lawyers such as the San Bernardo Workers’ Compensation & Personal Injury Attorneys to get the justice and compensation you deserve. Steps to do when you get injured at work.

Here are the steps you need to take if you happen to meet an injury in your workplace

Step 1: Create an incident report

At the point when a worker is harmed at work physically, emotionally, or mentally, most of the time, it is viewed as a specialists’ remuneration injury that is qualified for a case. 

Harmed labourers must first create an incident report. This is to ensure that work environment mishaps include the employee’s wages, future profit, and medical costs.

The incident report must clearly indicate the clinical costs, lost wages, and restoration expenses for sick or harmed workers in the course and extension of their work. Additional benefits are given to the families of workers who are killed at work.

Step 2: Record whether a company or insurance representative interacted with the injured employee

Personal injury encompasses illnesses and injuries that influence the physical or mental status of the worker. It is vital to understand that kind of injury, to decide the case fairly. When an employee suffers from a personal injury, aside from creating or filing an incident report, they should also inform the concerned parties if there are interactions made between a particular company or insurance agent and the individual. 

In the event that the case includes clinical misbehaviour, your lawyer will be working with insurance agencies and emergency clinic lawyers. In California, you will normally have 6 months from the date of the mishap to document your case. This means that you have a long time to prepare for your personal injury claim.

Step 3: Determine if there is negligence in the incident

While this is more common in hospital jobs, it can actually happen to other workplaces, too. Workplace negligence takes place when an employer does not do their responsibility to care for their employees, customers, or other individuals who enter the workplace. Failure to ensure a safe work environment constitutes employee negligence. In the same way, not informing you of an accidental prone area in your work can also be subject to negligence. 

Step 4: Amicable settlement must be the top priority

If your co-employees did not abide by the standard operating procedures, and your company knows about it, they can be held liable, too. Likewise, if the accident is caused by a malfunction in the equipment that a company knows about, and still they are in use, the outcome of the case can get much worse. However, if you think that the matter can be resolved peacefully, an amicable settlement must be prioritized. 

While the company’s first role is to give you a job, the work has to be realistically doable and safe. It is a major red flag if it involves endangering your life, especially if it is not defined in your employment contract. If you are not sure about your company’s responsibilities and liabilities, speak with your lawyer for professional legal advice.


The most important thing to do after a personal injury in the workplace is to remain calm. This will help you think clearer and determine the best course of action to get the compensation you deserve. Thankfully, the employer’s liability insurance can help pay your legal fees and other related costs.

Ideally, a workers’ compensation claim should be settled without litigation. By following basic safety measures, business owners can avoid workplace accidents, which requires the need to file a workers’ comp claim. In case your employer isn’t cooperative or you’re unsure of what to do next, seek a personal injury lawyer near you for legal assistance.