What Type of Belt Grinder is the most Popular?

Whether you create knives for just a living or as a hobby, having the appropriate belt grinder will make all the difference in producing a sleek, attractive blade. There are various machines available, some of which are better suited to specific knife-making processes than others.

Type of belt grinder

We’ll evaluate some of its most popular belt grinder sizes for knife production in this article, highlighting their benefits, drawbacks, and recommended uses.

Best 2×72 belt grinders

2×72 size belts are the industry standard for professional knife manufacture. The plurality of belt grinders made expressly for knife production in North America are of this size. The units work with a wide variety of belt fabrics and are relatively tiny given their capabilities. More attachments are available for 2×72 machines, including:

Wheel attachments for knife elements such as fullering, hollowed grinds, and more, varying in size from 1/4″ to 16″. Cleaning and flawless, flat surfaces can be achieved with surface grinding equipment. For concave grinds and to avoid the dreaded “J weight belt bump,” rotary platens are used.

The 72″ belt length saves wear and temperature build-up, allowing you to use it at all stages of blades development, from initial knife construction to last touches like honing and polishing. You can create knives faster with a 2×72 than you’d get from smaller belt grinders since the machine has a wider working surface and frequently a variable speed motor.

The expense of 2×72 belt grinders is indeed the main disadvantage. Professional knife makers would appreciate them, but if you’re a novice or just beginning, a smaller grinder, such as a 2×42, may be preferable.


While belt size is important, it isn’t the only element to think about while selecting a bet grinder. When looking for a grinder, there seem to be three other things to consider.


When choosing a grinding for knife production, the motor size was among the most critical considerations. High belt speed and the ability to apply high pressure to the belt are required to properly grind steel. If you don’t have a powerful enough motor, you won’t be able to grind effectively. As a general rule, every inch of belt width at 72″ length requires one horsepower of motor power. The demand just on motor decreases as the belt length decreases. As a result, lower belt lengths demand less power.

A 2×72 grinder, for example, would benefit from a motor with at least 2 horsepower. A 2×48 grinder, on either hand, may work with a 1.5hp engine because the belt is thinner.