3 Injuries to Get Checked for After a Car Accident in Stockbridge, GA

Car accidents are one of the worse things in life a person has to go through. What’s even worse is that car accident are pretty common in Stockbridge, Georgia. So this article is directed especially towards the people of that area.

Injuries to Get Checked for After a Car Accident in Stockbridge, GA

In-car accidents, there are generally two cases: critical cases and noncritical cases. In critical condition, which can be referred to as an incident with a lot of bleeding, visible bruises, or broken bones, a person doesn’t have much time to think; rush to the hospital immediately. 

However, in the noncritical case, where there is no bleeding and bruises, what a person does is ignore any signs of irregularities in their body. You think “phew! That was a close call. My car might need repairs but I am glad I didn’t get much hurt.” 

You go home, you sleep the night; you wake up in the morning and realize that there is something wrong with your body. That happens because your body doesn’t instantly realize physical abnormalities occurring due to an accident, it usually surfaces after the night or after 12 to 48 hours because of the adrenaline after the accident. It mostly happens in spinal injuries.

However, when people initially think they are alright, they are actually not, and when they finally realize that they are developing pain in certain areas, it already gets too late and their recovery process slows down. 

What are these pains? In what areas do they develop? How an injury can be invisible yet so painful? How can it be caused after an auto accident? 

Well, these questions will all be answered in this article:

We hope that you never get involved in a car accident, but if you have, or someone you know has, then this article will let you know about 3 injuries that you need to instantly get checked for after the accident. Do not wait for them to be felt or ache your body to go to a doctor.  Just visit an expert orthopedic in Stockbridge GA and get checked for the following injuries.


Whiplash is one of the most common auto injuries, meaning it mostly develops after a car accident. But it can also be developed during sports or because of fighting. 

Whiplash is a condition where the cervical (upper) spine is forced forward and the supporting body parts, such as ligaments and tendons, get damaged. Technically, whiplash is caused when the person’s neck is jerked backwards and forward with a very fast motion that it gets shocked and results in damage. 

This condition is a classic example of injuries that don’t show symptoms before 12 to 28 hours. The person initially believes that they are uninjured and they opt out of a visit to the doctor. Because if you get late, the symptoms can get severe and cause deafness, dizziness, and numbness in the neck area—which definitely delays the recovery process.

Apart from that, you probably shouldn’t go to your general physician after the car accident because they might not be qualified enough to recommend the right post-accident treatment. Instead, you need to visit a special whiplash doctor. 

2.Herniated or bulging disc

In addition to whiplash, herniated or bulging discs are also one of the most common auto accident injuries. A bulging disc occurs when sponge-like discs between the vertebrae are compressed due to force on the body and bulge out of their actual place. Unlike whiplash, bulging discs do not wait for hours to show up. A sharp pain instantly occurs at the time of the impact and continues to increase in the affected areas.

Although the bulging disc is usually unpreventable when it occurs naturally due to ageing, it can be stopped if it occurs after a car accident. But the affected person has to immediately check in with the specialized doctor in order to stop the pain and start the treatment. Because if it remains untreated even for a while, it can result in a herniated disc which can cause numbness, immense pain, and mobility issues. So, don’t sweep your pain under the rug as ordinary, go to the doctor right after the accident.


Apart from whiplash and bulging disc, concussion is also one of the injuries most common in car accidents. A concussion is not always invisible or unfelt; a lot of people feel dizziness or headache right after the accident, which makes it easy and fast for them to recognize the concussion in its early stage. 

However, sometimes, a concussion can be silent and subtle, and not show its signs right after the accident. It would show its symptoms after 5 to 6 hours.

Common symptoms are headache, dizziness, confusion, and memory loss. Sometimes, the pain can be very strong which might be the result of traumatic brain injury. Similar to whiplash, a person can also not wait for the concussion to show up to go to the doctor. 


When we talk about treatment, there is no definite process or method to adapt. Different doctors recommend different options. But it is important that you are visiting a verified specialist doctor and not just your primary care physician because this is a matter of health and it cannot be compromised. 

One of the most recommended methods of treatment for back and neck stiffness is chiropractic care. It helps you find relief and eases your pain. A lot of people go for chiropractic treatment because it is drug-free and has no side effects. However, you cannot always opt out of the prescripted medicines. Sometimes, depending on the severeness of your condition, you might have to take some over-the-counter painkillers and stress-relief drugs. 

Your treatment routine and recommended methods will all be finalized once you step into the specialized doctor’s office. The doctor will first thoroughly check your present symptoms, diagnose your condition, and then recommend a schedule and method of treatment. Your job will be to follow that schedule without any breaks or gaps. It might recommend resting for hours and taking time off work, which will frustrate you and make you think that you are already better, but you have to remember that this is all for your own good. Therefore, you should never stop following the treatment plan without your doctor’s approval.

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