Struggling With Sleep Apnea? This Guide Will Definitely Help You Out

Sleep apnea can seem like a simple condition, but it actually is a serious one that requires attention and treatment. What it does is interrupt your breathing during sleep, so you may not be able to breathe for 10 to 20 seconds, which makes you wake up abruptly to catch your breath. This results in fewer sleeping hours, and you don’t go into a deep sleep which your body needs to recharge.

Struggling With Sleep Apnea?

Not sleeping enough causes many health issues, including general fatigue, severe headaches, weak memory, heart diseases, and more. This is why you need to see a doctor if you suspect you have sleep apnea. If you already did see a doctor and know for sure that you are suffering from sleep apnea, this guide is for you. This article will definitely help you deal with sleep apnea and avoid the negative health issues it poses.


Exercise helps tone your muscles and strengthen them, so they don’t relax and fail to let you breathe normally. Exercise will also help you lose the fats around your neck that block your airflow during your sleep and make breathing more difficult. It will also help you have a healthier body that fights your sleep apnea more effectively without being overstressed.

Use Sleep Apnea Equipment

There are various shapes and types for every condition and face shape.  One valuable tip mentioned at is to make sure your CPAP machine is right for you as it is crucial to get the result you need. The machine cap must fit your face well so it doesn’t make your nose dry which makes breathing even more uncomfortable.

Unblock Your Nose Before You Sleep

Make sure to use a nasal spray before you sleep to clear your nose and airways so nothing makes your breathing more difficult. One of the best natural things to use is a saline solution to clear your nose. It’s easy to make at home and is extremely effective. If you prefer a ready-made one, you can always find saline nasal sprays in drug stores. You can also consult your doctor about the best type of nasal spray for you.

Change Your Sleeping Position

Some sleeping positions can make breathing harder. For example, sleeping on your back makes the neck fats rest on your airway tissues which make breathing extremely uncomfortable, and results in worsening your condition. Although, some people find it easier to breathe when they sleep on their backs. Try different positions and see which ones work best for your breathing.

Lose Any Extra Weight

Even the least bit of extra weight gained may worsen your sleep apnea. Since you’re already struggling, your body is trying to adapt to everything and make your breathing easier. If you gain a little weight, your body may find it more stressful to handle this change since it’s already stressed enough with sleep apnea. Walk off the extra weight and be careful of what you eat before you go to bed. It’s preferable that you don’t eat for about three hours before you sleep. This is to ensure your body digests the food, so you don’t have to add any more stress on your body and let it relax.

Makes Sure the Air Isn’t Dry

Dry air causes discomfort in breathing, and this is definitely the last thing you need when you’re already suffering from sleep apnea. To ensure that you avoid this discomfort, use a humidifier before bed. You can also add essential oils with fragrances like peppermint, lavender, and eucalyptus to the humidifier for best results since these oils are some of the best for the respiratory system.

Sleep apnea is only a threat when ignored. Once you learn how to fight it to make your breathing more comfortable while you’re sleeping, you can totally avoid the negative outcomes it has on you. Sleeping is one of the key elements to better health and a great quality of life. Don’t just overlook a sleep disorder thinking it is nothing serious. No health issue is not serious, even if it doesn’t have dangerous effects, you still need to check with a doctor. You deserve a comfortable life that you absolutely enjoy every bit of, so give yourself that.

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