These Decorating Ideas Will Make Your Entire Space Feel Fresh

If you’ve lived in a space for too long, it starts to give off a dull atmosphere, or you start to question some of your furnishing options when you first move in. This is a completely normal notion since people often change their tastes and more modern styles are always popping up in Australia.

Decorating Ideas

If you’re thinking it’s time for a change in how your home looks and the overall feeling it gives, then trust your instincts and go for it. Here are some decorating ideas to help you out that will make any space feel fresh and brand new!

Add Some Color

One of the reasons why your space might feel dull is all the neutral colors. A great way to liven up space is to add pops of color that will give a whole new vibe to it. This doesn’t necessarily mean changing your furniture pieces, there are minor changes you can apply that will make it seem like you had an interior makeover. For example, adding colorful throw pillows to your couch and chairs or colorful removable wallpaper. For furniture, a cheap and smart hack is to use spray paint on it to change its color.

Change Up The Lights

You’d be amazed about how much lighting can change a whole area’s look and overall atmosphere. Make sure each room in the house has a mixture of natural, ambient, and task lighting. A great trick is to add light coming from different heights, so look for the perfect table or floor lamp. If you want to take it to the next level, go for installing a chic chandelier but instead of having it over the dinner table, put it in the middle of the living room. There are many other modern edgy shapes and styles of lighting fixtures that you can explore if they work with your space and taste.

Install Window Treatments

Not only will installing window treatments make your space feel fresh, but it will also protect you from that harsh Australian sun. If you live in Perth, you know why window treatments are essential to regulate light and airflow. There are many styles that will transform your space like plantation shutters which are a sleek, modern option that matches any home design. Just make sure you choose the right color and material for whichever window treatment you choose to add.

Add Charming Scents

Sometimes making a space feel refreshing doesn’t mean you have to do major changes. A simple way to make a difference is filling up the air with charming scents that make space feel cosier and more inviting. So make a note to go shopping for scented candles and spread them in each room for a relaxing atmosphere. Another option is getting an essential oil diffuser with smells like Eucalyptus, geranium, and chamomile, or you can create your own signature smell and let it fill the space to make it truly express who you are.

Bring In Some Plants

Nothing brings an area back to life more than a few pots of fresh plants that don’t only look great but can improve your indoor air quality. Houseplants make for a unique aesthetically pleasing atmosphere when chosen and placed right. Whether it’s branches, arrangements, or a few flowers, they will go a long way in making space feel vibrant. Make sure the plants are placed within direct sunlight, otherwise get species that don’t require it,


Just like you perfect an outfit with the right accessories, the same goes for your home. There are so many small things you can add to any space that will completely change its overall vibe. You can either add mirrors with unique designs or you can pick out a few pieces of art that complement the rest of the room. Litter the area with small photograph frames of your fond memories or better yet, create a whole gallery wall to personalize your space. If you’re a bookworm, don’t settle for keeping your precious books stacked away somewhere and build a stylish bookcase.

These are some of the ideas you can start applying right now to change up your space. If you’re serious about it, set a budget and go crazy with new pieces of furniture or new paint jobs. Otherwise, don’t feel pressured to spend a fortune to spazz up your home, there are a lot of simple things you can do that will have the same refreshing effect. The most important thing is not to lose track of making your space comfortable enough to relax in after a long day.

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